
Showing posts with the label Opini

Tujuh Kunci Menjadi Penulis Yang Baik

Jeff Goins menuliskan di dalam blognya setiap orang bisa menjadi penulis, tetapi belum tentu penulis yang baik. Untuk menjadi penulis yang baik, ada tujuh kunci keberhasilan : Menulis itu sederhana, tetapi tidak mudah. Sebelum mendapatkan audiens yang lebih banyak, harus lebih baik. Latihan membuat lebih baik, perulangan membuat menulis tanpas kesukaran. Hingga menempatkan kerja, kita hanya main-main. Tulis nyata. Tidak dapat berlatih tanpa disiplin. Terus muncul dan tekun. Akan selalu ada resistensi , ketik melewatinya. Atasi alasan , lakukan pekerjaan.

Perkembangan Tiga Niche

imkingcash di digital point menulis bahwa salah satu kesulitan dari blogger baru adalah memilih niche . Untuk itu, imkingcash menyatakan tipsnya.

Life Experience

First time in junior high, I've tricked by my friends. But naturally, because I was a bit sloppy. After a few months later, I was not afraid anymore because I've adapted to my friends. Over time, do not feel I have 3 junior class. We all hold a farewell. It felt good because we were successful in the school. We, none, who failed in implementing the UN. During his junior high school was fun because my friends and teachers is very good to me and also to the others. I am very grateful to God Almighty, because I was given patience, calmness and sincerity in the education starting from elementary, junior high and up to now I've CMS. Indeed, does not seem to spend time at the school. Just a year it was 365 days, 7 days a week and it feels 30 days a month. That's the fun in the days of school. by Juliadi


First time in this life, I really feel the infinite joy at the birth of my sister who is very anxious heart. Anxious about losing her mother, and also my brother's future. My mother was pregnant at the time I went to SMK, it's good because I'll be a brother. Day after day passed. Imperceptibly, the content of his time closer to my mother. It can not wait to see what my sister would ....? Would like ...? Or like my mother ....? Various questions on my mind. With great patience, I waited, then, it was time she gave birth. Everything is busy preparing everything. I did too, was busy preparing myself. Ready to see my sister and the candidate is ready to accept the risks that might occur. Either way what I felt at that time. Sad, scared, anxious, happy, all in one. But, after a few hours later, my brother was born safely. So does my mother. Happiness enveloped me and my family at that time. Finally, mother and brother survived. I'm very happy ...! by Anisa


I was very jealous person. Why? I also do not know. However, no denying the feeling that always comes up. Especially when I see my parents much loved brother and nephew than I was. All that I feel since my sister was successful and he who formed the backbone of the family. My parents increasingly comparing me to him. Whatever they say, always my brother who serve as an example. I know, really well-meaning parents so I could like brother and even more so than he. However, not by comparing bandingkanku him, because it all made me become weak, not more motivated. Jealousy was more profound after my brother got married. Before he got married, me and my brother were always together wherever we go. Whatever my complaints, I always tell my brother. So otherwise. However, all was lost after my brother got married a few months ago. He became busy with her husband, and never bother me again. So I was jealous of her husband. And I'm also jealous of my nephew who had snatched love everyone in ...


In the last days I was in junior high third grade, his father asked "Where I want to go to school?". I answered, "I want to go to school at SMK 1 Sorek." Father also agreed with what I wanted, so did the mother. In the end, I also graduated from SMP 1 Batang Peranap but at that moment, my dad forgot his promise, so I went SMK N 1 Batang Peranap. I am sad, but what power, maybe this is the way my life that can work well. Then, at the beginning I went SMK N 1 Batang Peranap, I vacillate like that can be replaced by the crying but I never knew what he wanted by the father and mother. With patience and courage, I faced all that happened. I was excited to attend lessons at school, but unfortunately a thousand dear, beloved father died, leaving a promise. First will think my goal, but it turned into a story, and heartbreaking to me. In addition to losing his father, I also experienced the sinking ideals. I lost my spirit. But life must be lived, and I also realized, becau...

The Indonesian nation needed Entrepreneur

Dr. (HC) Ir. Ciputra, Begawan Indonesian property, the Parigi birth man, Sulteng, on February 24 1931, that developed various prestigious projects said that although heavy and was full of the bend, this nation needed many entrepreneur to leave the poverty twist and the unemployment. To be able to become a prosperous country, he continued, was needed at least two percent entrepreneur from the total of the inhabitants's numbers. In Indonesia, at this time just 0.18 percent or just around 400,000 people then. Now if being compared in the USA 2007 had 11.5 percent entrepreneur and SIngapura with his inhabitants that only 4.24 million in 2005 the number entrepreneru him 7.2 percent. The mistake happened because of the education system that has been rooted from long before, but wrong big. Where we more often were told memorised not was creative. His fact the capacity memorised very rare was used in paktik the everyday life. Therefore, the key to cultivating the capacity berwirausaha was ...

Kubu Problems

The forest as an important factor in the Kubu's life is shrinking dramatically as it is converted to oil palm and timber plantations. Large scale conversion of land has affected the Kubu population, pushing them out from their original areas to find other locations for survival. But in the new areas, often suboptimal to their needs, they face many problems and constraints. To make matters worse the middlemen monopolise and control the price of forest products, often causing the Kubu people to be marginalized. These days their daily activities do not provide enough for them to meet their basic needs, which is mainly based around forest resources, because the money they earn from product exchange primarily goes towards paying off their debts.

Should have been bleeding?: Separation of Rokan Darussalam, Meranti and Mandau

Ujungbatu City is the largest city in Rokan Hulu before establishment of Rokan Hulu Regency. This city and area around was the biggest income resource for the underdeveloped regency. But, development allocation accepted by this city is very small. Therefore, It is fitting their population want to establish new regency, that is Rokan Darussalam. Duri City is the largest city in Bengkalis Regency. It's population about 250 thousand, bigger from Dumai City. This area was the biggest income resource for the Bengkalis Regency. It's oil production make the Bengkalis Regency become the richest Regency in Riau Province. But, development allocation accepted by this city is not equivalent. Therefore, It is fitting their population want to establish Mandau Regency. Selatpanjang City is one of the largest city in Bengkalis Regency. This area was offshore oil producer which is explored by Kondur Petroleum. But, development allocation accepted by this city is not equivalent. Therefore, It ...

Jaga Dua Sayap/ Dua Sisi, Ekonomi tidak akan tenggelam/jatuh

Sebagai anak Kuantan, kemampuan berenang mutlak dikuasai. Demikian juga dengan saya. Banyak motif yang melatarbelakangi, di antaranya yang utama adalah citra. Seorang anak yang tinggal di tepian Kuantan adalah aneh apabila tidak bisa berenang. Otomatis, dia akan menjadi sumber gunjingan dan bahan ejekan. Motif penting lain: permainan di sungai adalah permainan turun-temurun yang khas. Musim kemarau dan juga musim banjir justru dinanti-nanti. Pada musim kemarau, anak-anak dengan bebas dapat bermain-main di pasir dan kemudian dilanjutkan ke sungai. Sebaliknya pada musim banjir, anak-anak dapat bermain perahu di depan rumah sambil mengitari kebun buah-buahan yang bebas hambatan karena pagarnya sudah tenggelam oleh air. Kesemuanya itu menuntut suatu kemampuan dasar, yakni berenang.   Keinginan untuk bisa berenang demikian kuatnya dalam hati saya, oleh karenanya berbagai cara ditempuh. Mulai dari mengikuti mitos kuno bahwa makan makanan yang pedas dapat mempercepat kepandaian berenang, samp...