
Sejarah suku Koto Baru di Peranap, Indragiri Hulu

Tidak ada yang tahu persis kapan orang – orang dari berbagai latar belakang sosial dan kehidupan ini mulai mendiami daerah Pauhranap maupun Peranap seperti yang ada sekarang ini. Tetapi yang pasti mereka tiba di daerah ini tidak serempak atau sekaligus. Beruntung kita masih memiliki sedikit harapan tentang sejarah persukuan Koto Baru yang masih diingat oleh beberapa orang tua kita yang masih hidup sampai saat ini. Asal muasal suku Koto Baru, Peranap , Indragiri Hulu

Persukuan di Peranap, Indragiri Hulu

Tommy Muchsin Babab menuliskan, ada tiga suku dalam kepenghuluan adat Peranap , Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu, Provinsi Riau, yakni suku Koto Tuo, Kampung Tonga dan Koto Baru.

Kerajaan-kerajaan di Indragiri

Di Indragiri telah berdiri sekurang-kurangnya empat kerajaan yang tercatat dalam sejarah, yakni kerajaan keritang, kerajaan kemuning, kerajaan batin enam suku dan kerajaan indragiri.

The Indonesian nation needed Entrepreneur

Dr. (HC) Ir. Ciputra, Begawan Indonesian property, the Parigi birth man, Sulteng, on February 24 1931, that developed various prestigious projects said that although heavy and was full of the bend, this nation needed many entrepreneur to leave the poverty twist and the unemployment. To be able to become a prosperous country, he continued, was needed at least two percent entrepreneur from the total of the inhabitants's numbers. In Indonesia, at this time just 0.18 percent or just around 400,000 people then. Now if being compared in the USA 2007 had 11.5 percent entrepreneur and SIngapura with his inhabitants that only 4.24 million in 2005 the number entrepreneru him 7.2 percent. The mistake happened because of the education system that has been rooted from long before, but wrong big. Where we more often were told memorised not was creative. His fact the capacity memorised very rare was used in paktik the everyday life. Therefore, the key to cultivating the capacity berwirausaha was

Understanding the Sumatran Tiger

One of Bukit Tigapuluh National Park's most important inhabitants is the critically endangered Sumatran tiger ( Panthera tigris sumatrae, Linnaeus 1758). As a subspecies of the tiger ( Panthera tigris) the Sumatran tiger is the last surviving tiger in Indonesia, where both the Bali and Javan tiger is the last of the tigers to inhabit these regions, and therefore Bukit Tigapuluh area has a critical role to play in ensuring that tigers continue for future generations and the world.

Kubu Problems

The forest as an important factor in the Kubu's life is shrinking dramatically as it is converted to oil palm and timber plantations. Large scale conversion of land has affected the Kubu population, pushing them out from their original areas to find other locations for survival. But in the new areas, often suboptimal to their needs, they face many problems and constraints. To make matters worse the middlemen monopolise and control the price of forest products, often causing the Kubu people to be marginalized. These days their daily activities do not provide enough for them to meet their basic needs, which is mainly based around forest resources, because the money they earn from product exchange primarily goes towards paying off their debts.

Distribution of Kubu or Forest People, traditional communities

One of the traditional communities in Bukit Tigapuluh is the Kubu or Forest Dwelling People. The majority of Kubu people live in the less hilly regions of Bukit Tigapuluh National Park, found within Jambi Province. The Bukit Tigapuluh group of Kubu people are part of larger one in Bukit Duabelas National Park – also in Jambi Province.